Yesterday was the last day of our 2nd Prof (Part III) M.B.B.S. exams. Was talking to Diamond Butterfly in her car on our way to Orchard yesterday and it just dawned on the 2 of us that 4 years had gone past like that and we would be free at ard this time next year (assuming nothing bad happens)! Unfortunately (or should I say fortunately?), it would also mean that we'll soon be 'let loose' into the wards to start taking care of patients real-time. The thought of that is quite scary actually, despite the past 4 years of medical education (including the 2 years of ward work). Somehow I still feel a bit inadequate. Hmm... But one of the MOs whom we still keep in contact with (or rather, whom Diamond Butterfly still talks to) reassured that working life is more fun than studying... Well, I guess I really won't noe until I start working ba...Some of my other NUS friends would be graduating in June this year and stepping into the working society after that. Many of them have expressed their uncertainty about the future. Well, I guess that can't be helped, especially when many serious considerations need to be made about their future career paths...
Hmm... Enough of things of this sort. On a lighter note, Pin and Bin would be leaving for India (with some other people in our CG and sister CG) next week while I am staying in sunny Singapore for various reasons. Hope they have a fun and exciting time over there! India is a truly exotic country and though the prospects of spending 8 weeks there does not seem very appealing, I guess only those who have been there before will noe it ba... =) Till then...
To Diamond Butterfly: Singlehood may seem to be an exciting option, but I guess the norm for most people would still be to find that particular someone to settle down with for the rest of your life ba... =) After all, humans are very dependent creatures, in one way or another.