Monday, February 28, 2005

$16 for my IC, Tertiary EZlink card, library cards and many more

Probably many of you guys din noe, but blur sotong me lost my wallet yesterday night. Yup, the eventful night when we celebrated Ling’s birthday at HRC.

Anyway, to cut the long story short, what happened was I dropped my wallet somewhere near HRC that night and I only discovered it was missing when I reached home. (How dumb can I get??? ;-P) Yah, I was a bit panicky so I started to msg Pin to ask if I had left it at his place accidentally. When I got a negative answer, I then msg Ling to ask her to help me check her car the next morning if my wallet happened to be there. Then I went to sleep cos I figured there’s nothing much I can do at 2am in the morning.

The next morning, my mum woke me up rather early (considering I slept at 3am...) harassing me to make a police report for the lost wallet. So I started praying madly, hoping Ling will reply soon. Then suddenly I got a call from this gentleman working in Citibank! He said he found my wallet at Cuscaden Road and asked me to come down to get it back. How lucky I was! But when I got there, I realised my wallet din look the same as it was anymore. All the money (there was about $16 man…) in my wallet was gone. But fortunately all my important cards were still inside.

Guess I can’t blame anyone else but myself for the carelessness… Will take the lost money as a lesson learnt… =P

Anyway, here's something to DE-STRESS...
Mum: Son, why are you eating your ice-cream cone from the bottom up?
Son: Mum, if I eat away all my DESSERTS the other way round, I won’t be STRESSED anymore!

Sunday, February 20, 2005

In response to the previous post...

Here's a nice quote that I came across in Straits Times today:
"Losing your virginity at this age is not such a big deal. But being a virgin speaks a lot about you and is something you should be proud of."

Hope you virgins out there feel better after hearing this! *wink*

Sunday, February 06, 2005

pregnant at 16 yrs old!

WOW!! this is great man..saw a S88******X in the delivery interesting..decided to tell the midwives that we 23 yrs old guys are still V*****S. Sigh...time to do something...maybe we should look for the last patient i saw at DSC...hmmm??? heh

PIN: It's 1230 am. I am staying back to the point Kok pin delivers his patient and I will dash of. Hopefully thats soon man. I delivered 10 patients today. I mean i delivered water to them..they were so thirsty i have no choice but to do this damn great JOB!

Bye Bye!