Good luck!
It's almost the end of the undergraduate medical course for my ex-CG mates and many others who have been such good pals over the past 4+ years. Looking back, it's just amazing how we actually managed to survive the countless CAs and clinical end-of-posting tests over this entire period. It's been a good time studying together and partying together too. I can still remember we'll always go out (somehow it's always Orchard) after each end-of-posting test to relax and stone. Some form of relaxation hur. Haha.Of cos, for me, I'm not quite near the end yet. And to be honest, it does feel quite odd when the med ppl ard me are mugging like crazy and there I am, having an easy life chatting with the other girls in my lab over lunch. Btw, I just went down to Engine canteen for lunch today. Rare treat haha. It's like my 4th time in my whole NUS life. Quite pathetic rite?
Anyways, my main purpose of writing this post is to wish all you guys who may be reading this (Pin, Bin, DiamondButterfly, Ling, Archmyst, Prozac, JY etc etc) all the best and good luck for the coming papers. 3 weeks more and you guys are DR so-and-so... So jia you jia you, hang in there and we'll have a big celebration when you guys come back from your holidaying!