Thursday, August 18, 2005


Singaporeans can make comments that are REALLY malicious man... Well, I’m referring to the most talked-about TV programme nowadays – 绝对 Superstar. Many have left comments like “Since this is a locally-produced TV programme, people of OTHER nationalities should not be allowed to win.” and “This person must have stayed on thus far because of all the sympathy votes given to him.” etc. Why can’t people look on the good side of things? Why can’t they differentiate what is truly good singing from what is not? Many contestants have already been “sacrificed” to make way for others who have HORRIBLE (Mark my words) singing techniques, if there were any to talk about in the first place. =P

Whatever it is, I must say I was rather touched by 伟联's “Heaven Knows” yesterday. Though the pitching wasn’t fantastic, it was good enough to 感动到我. Ha ha…

Tonight will be another tough fight! Both of them are good friends/singers and it’s definitely painful to eliminate either one of them. I myself do hope 欣卉 will win though! Then again, even if her average tonight (42.5 points) is higher than Kelly’s (38.7 points), it doesn’t guarantee anything since Kelly’s fan base seem to be larger than hers.


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