Saturday, December 18, 2004

Orthopaedics revisited

Wow. My dad is so proud of me. He even said that something worthwhile is coming out of the money he is putting into me education.

Basically he had shifted a big piece of vase from one place to another in an attempt to refurbish the house. I wasnt there to help him. The next morning he started complaining of lower back pain which was made worse on practically any movement he made. He had to stand absolutely straight if not the pain would come to haunt him. He was in extreme distress.

I tried to evaluate the situation. I reconfirmed the time of onset of symptoms after the activity and the manner in which he lifted the object. Once i started asking him if he had pain down in the buttocks and the legs, any numbness or tingling, any weakness or any urinary problems, he was amused and asked me why was i asking him such unrelevant questions when he had back pain! I diagnosed him to have a back strain. He asked me if he needed to see the doctor.

I told him the pain would resolve in a matter of days. But if he wanted faster relieve, then the doctor could give him stronger pain killers for i had access to none. There was nothing more that could be done.

I decided the follow him to our GP to see if I had approached the problem in the right way. True enough, he did exactly what I had done at home. The only thing that he gave besides a cox 2 inhibitor was diazepam to relieve the muscle tension. That did not cross my mind.

I know this is a simple problem and most would tackle it easily. Still, getting acknowlegement from your parents is truely an amazing feeeling. Lets party.


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