Tuesday, December 28, 2004

Act of God

I dont know where to begin. Where to even start finding for answers.

This has been the disaster that has stabbed me straight in the heart. You know, we often read about floods here and there, hurricanes in the West and other mishaps. But somehow we dont get too emotional about it. Perhaps the magnitude of it aint that big or just because it happens a distant away from our region.

This has truely been the biggest natural disaster I have seen in my lifetime. Almost all the countries that share the Indian Ocean as their coast lines are affected. India, Sri Lanka, Shuling's fauvorite Andaman Islands, Maldives, Malaysia, Thailand, Myanmmar and Indonesia.

Singapore is safe. But only at the expense of Indonesia. I was looking at the map and realised that Singapore would have been directly in the path of the waves hadn't it been for Sumatra in the way. I must say our little red dot is very strategically located.

The last time I was so affected by anything was September 11 ,2001. But those were terrorist. Who do be blame here?

I remember looking at my dad's insurance policy and there was a clause about Acts of God and how policies dont cover such calamities.

Ahh..God. I believe in Him. But the thing is, sometimes I dont understand Him. If I could post one comment to Him, I bet it would be this ,"All this isnt very fun you know.'' Why does he play with human emotions? Why does he bring misery to our lives? Why does he behave as the Devil or the villain sometimes?

Yes. People need to die. Thats to balance everything. When its time to go, its time to go. But please, make our exit a little less tragic. A little more humane. Suck the life force out of us or something... but not this.

But in the end....we always come back to God when we need him.

So God, help them all.



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