
Chevrolet 5

Was studying and couldn't decided to go online and guess wat..i found this car! cool rite? it's the new Chevrolet Optra 5..and looks like a Peugeot 307..
Talking bout cars..i wonder when i can have my own car..hee..friends around me are all getting cars..or rather..had their own cars..haha..but anyway..i survived 22 yrs without a life still goes on...
watched a Taiwan variety show yest until 1.15am..haha..but this show is really of the best coming from Taiwan..of course the best is still I guess I guess I guess(x3)..heh..although that Jacky Wu is very flirty..he's a really very good host..super funny..heh..this show is Tian Cai Go(x3) really need brains to play this check out this u 11.45pm every Tuesday..hee
Was talking to Nathan (not our president) today about running and he told me he can complete 2.4km in 7.15min! what the h*ll..then during the DM seminar, pin told me that he's worried that he might have DM in the when i reached home today..i told myself i must go to the gym..i tried the threadmill..after running for 3min...i started to feel tired and wanted to press the STOP button..but suddenly this woman in her 30s beside me increased her speed and to my horror, she had been running for in order not to lose face..i increased my speed instead of pressing the STOP button..well..the good thing is that i 2min faster than the previous time..and the bad thing is...I"M SO TIRED NOW...
OK..time to rest..think vin is writing now..see..nitez
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